Wednesday, July 27, 2016

New Muscle Drugs – Next big think in Sports Doping?

Image result for myostatin inhibitor

This “new muscle drug” is a myostatin inhibitor. Using a myostatin inhibitor may be beneficial in preventing atrophy within the muscles. These drugs could help with diseases such as muscular dystrophy and individuals with other muscle wasting issues that come along with diseases such as cancer or kidney disease or even old age. Though, this new drug could be great for those in need, it could also change the way athletes dope. As of now the WADA has banned any substance that inhibits myostatin from being used by any athlete. The problem is that this drug could possibly leave no trace once and an athlete has stopped taking it, and while the athlete is taking them it could be very hard to detect. New technologies would have to be created in order to test athletes for these drugs, in a way that is not invasive. Athletes are constantly looking to medical research for the next drug that will give them an edge. They are always looking for the next new thing. So while the advancements in the medical field are profound, the possible affects they will have on the sports world are unpredictable and dangerous. 

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